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Digital Testimony Collections about Nazi Persecution History, Education and Media

Wednesday, 21st November

9.00-10.30 Plenary Session: Introduction to the Conference
Moderator Dr. Stephen D. Smith, U.S.A.
Audio and Video Interviews as a Digital Source in the e-Humanities (Section A)
Prof. Dr. Manfred Thaller, Köln, Germany
Oral History: A Challenge for the eHumanities
Education (Section B)
Dr. Werner Dreier, Austria
Testimonies of Holocaust Survivors in School Education - Experiences, Challenges, Open Questions from an Austrian Perspective
Visual Media, Websites, TV and Film (Section C)
Prof. Dr. Sylvie Lindeperg, Paris, France
Judicial Truth and Cinematographic Truth: Filmed Courtroom Testimonies
10.30-11.00 Coffee Break
11.00-1.00 First Session of Parallel Workshops
Section A
Testimony, Biography, Transcript:
From Interview to Digital Archival Content
Section B
Teaching with Video Testimonies
in Different National Memory Cultures
Section C
Montaged Conceptions of History
Chair: Prof. Dr. Nicolas Apostolopoulos, Berlin, Germany Chair: Martin Hořák, Prague, Czech Republic Chair: Prof. Dr. Atina Grossmann, New York, U.S.A.
Prof. Dr. Jan Hajic, Prague, Czech Republic
Language Technology Research Serving eHumantities: New Ways of Accessing the USC Shoah Foundation Archive
Dr. Nadine Fink, Geneva, Switzerland
History Education with Video Testimony:a Swiss Case Study about Pupils' Historical Thinking
Florian Ebner, Braunschweig, Germany
New Testimonies from an Ongoing Revolution. The Role of Video Testimonies in the Egyptian Uprising
Jan Rietema, Berlin, Germany
Forced Labor 1939-1945. Transcription and Indexing for Non-Linear Access of Audiovisual Testimonies on the Web
Anna Lenchovska, Kiev, Ukraine
Education with Video Testimonies in a Posttraumatic Society: Ukraine
Dr. Sylvie Rollet, Paris, France
Embodies Archives: the Torturers´ Testimony in Rithy Panh´s ´S21´
Dr. Stef Scagliola, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
The Doorbell and the Dog; The Importance of Documeting Context to Anticipate the Needs of Future Listeners from Different Disciplines
Dr. Na´ama Shik, Jerusalem, Israel
Teaching the Holocaust Using Video Testimony: Educational Challenges
Commentator: Dr. Wulf Kansteiner, Vestal, U.S.A.
  Commentator: Prof. Dr. Peter Gautschi, Lucerne, Switzerland  
1.00-2.00 Lunch Break
2.00-3.30 Plenary Session: Practical Examples in the Digital World
Prof. Dr. Albert Lichtblau, Salzburg, Austria
Dr. Kori Street, L.A., U.S.A.
Didactics, Diligence and Depth: Online Testimony Based Education
Edward Serotta, Vienna, Austria
Preserving Jewish Memory, bringing Jewish Stories to life: bringing together New Technologies, Family Pictures, and the Old-fashioned Art of Story Telling
3.30-4.00 Coffee Break
4.00-6.00 Second Session of Parallel Workshops
Section A
Oral History in the e-Humanities Landscape
Section B
Video Testimonies and the Role of Emotions in Processes of Historical Learning
Section C
Excitation and Addressing
Chair: Joanne Rudorf, New Haven, U.S.A. Chair: Prof. Dr. Michele Barricelli, Hannover, Germany Chair: Dr. Raya Morag, Jerusalem, Israel
Dr. Doug Boyd, Lexington, U.S.A.
Search, Explore, Connect: Enhancing Access to Oral History in the Digital Age
Katharina Obens, Berlin, Germany
Learning with Survivors´ Testimonies by Empathic Mirroring
Dr. Paul Frosh, Jerusalem, Israel
The Attention Structures of Digital Media: Ethics and Kinesthetics
Sigal Arie-Erez, Jerusalem, Israel
How Does the Digital Era and Use of Internet Accessibility Influence Best Practices for Cataloguing and Describing Testimony Collections?
Andrea Szőnyi, Budapest, Hungary
The Impact of Video-Testimonies - The Balance of Reason and Emotion
Dr. Judith Keilbach, Utrecht, The Netherlands
Televising and Digitizing Witness
Prof. Dr. Franciska de Jong, Twente, The Netherlands
Technology Between Sound and Meaning. The Potential Impact of Audio and Text Mining for the Accessibility of Oral History
Commentator. Prof. Dr. Beth Meyerowitz, L.A., U.S.A. Dr. Tobias Ebbrecht, Israel
Whose Emotion? Feelings of Uncertainty and Disturbance in Encountering Holocaust Survivors´ Testimonies
7.00-8.00 Project Presentation
Mikhail Tyaglyy
Ukrainian Romany Testimonies
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