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Digital Testimony Collections about Nazi Persecution History, Education and Media

Dr. Judith Keilbach

Ass. Professor of Television Studies at Utrecht University, The Netherlands


Judith Keilbach is Assistant Professor of Television History in the Media and Culture Studies Department of Utrecht University with a PhD in Film Studies from the Freie Universität Berlin. Her research focuses include television history and theory, the relation of media technology and historiography, archives, media events. Her book on Geschichtsbilder und Zeitzeugen (Historical Images and Witness) analyzes how German television documentaries represent the National Socialist past. Her publications on that topic appeared amongst others in New German Critique and The Leo Baeck Yearbook. She is co-editor of Grundlagentexte zur Fernsehwissenschaft and Die Gegenwart der Vergangenheit and of the journal Montage AV. Her current research project focuses on transnational media events with the Eichmann trial as one case study.

Contact: j.keilbach@uu.nl