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Digital Testimony Collections about Nazi Persecution History, Education and Media

Bernd Körte-Braun

CeDiS, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany


Bernd Körte-Braun studied History and Jewish Studies in Berlin and Jerusalem, and has been managing projects to utilize testimonies of survivors of the Holocaust in school education at the Center for Digital Systems at Freie Universität Berlin since 2008. From 2004 to 2008 he was involved in developing, authoring and editing various DVDs for high school history education, centered on the subjects of anti-Semitism and National Socialism. Prior to this, he worked as an academic researcher for the permanent exhibit and the Rafael Roth Learning Center at the Jewish Museum Berlin for four years. At the Learning Center he was involved in developing multimedia stories on German-Jewish history and a computer game on Judaism for primary school children. He was also a member of the academic staff at the Leo Baeck Institute’s project: “Sources of Jewish History in the Archives of the former German Democratic Republic”. Before beginning his History and Jewish Studies degree, he trained as a professional bank clerk and preschool teacher.

Contact: bernd.koertebraun@cedis.fu-berlin.de